Version Policy onesait Cloud Platform
How many versions?
At any given time there will be 2 active versions:
One version per Q
Next stable version will be 1.2.0 which will be released on February 15, 2019.
Once released this version will only include new corrective patches (not evolutionary), which will generate versions 1.2.1,....
Starting in Q1 2019 the stable versions will have a "rememberable" name.
Alphabetical criteria will be followed (first version starts with A).
It has been chosen by vote to use 8-bit videogames.
If it is the first version of the year first digit is incremented (in 2020 we will start with 2.0.0).
For the rest of the Qs of the year, the second digit is incremented.
Once a version is stabilized, the development version appears. If the stable version is 1.2.0, the development version would start with 1.3.0.
This version includes:
All the fixes of the stable version
Identified improvements
New Features.
Each new patch or enhancement introduced will generate a change in the third digit of the version (1.3.1, 1.3.2, ...).
Each new feature will generate a change in the second digit of the version (1.4.0).
These versions are not named until one becomes a stable version.
¿Which version to use?
From Platform it is recommended to use the stable version.
If a project/product requires new features and cannot wait for the next Q release, a development version can be installed.
This development version is also supported by the Platform team but it should be assumed that it will be more unstable and updates will be required often.