Published Release 5.3.0 (Ultimate) of Onesait Platform

Published Release 5.3.0 (Ultimate) of Onesait Platform

On Friday, January 2, 2024 Onesait Platform (Ultimate mnemonic) Release 5.3.0 has been published, following our versioning policy: Version Policy Onesait Platform.

You can follow our Roadmap and find more information about the Platform's capabilities in the Developer Portal.


Onesait Platform is a multi-cloud, modular and low-code technology platform that streamlines the development, implementation and maintenance of customized products and projects.

In this section we will show you the new features incorporated to the Platform.

Kubernetes PODS Management from the Control Panel

This feature allows users with ADMINISTRATOR role to manage the PODs deployed in the Platform Kubernetes cluster.

That is, they will be able to start, stop and scale the platform services (and microservices in the same namespace) from the Control Panel itself.

In the image you can see the UI associated with the Environment Management, which will allow access to the list of all the platform services deployed in the namespace that has been configured, from where you can start, stop, scale and update them.


We can also access the configuration of each POD:


More information about this feature.

New Features in OP Forms

In these months we have continued working on the Platform Forms (OP Forms) incorporating bug resolution, improvements and new features.

The main features incorporated in this release are these:

  • Forms integrated with Platform Web Templates

  • Complete overhaul of ODS-compliant component and form styling

  • New components such as Paginated Table, Nester Form and email and DateTime components.

You can find all the information about these new features here.

Gravitee 3.X as Platform API Manager

Onesait Platform uses Gravitee as an advanced API Manager when advanced API management functionalities are needed. Until now we used Gravitee version 1.X.

In this release the Platform API Manager is based on Gravitee 3.X which incorporates the following new features:

  • Publication of APIs as protocol mediation to MQTT, Kafka, gRPC,...

  • New Management UI

  • Policy Studio

  • Debug of requests

  • New API Portal

More information about Gravitee news here.

Monitoring in Notebooks Engine

This functionality allows to monitor the individual and overall consumption of the notebooks and to have control over them in the platform (UI of the notebooks). In this way we can know the status of each Notebook, see the running processes, control the status,...

Two metrics have been created for this purpose:

  • Resource metrics: At interpreter level, the processes, type of interpreter (shared, scoped, isolated), if it is associated to a notebook and the consumption of CPU and RAM are extracted.

  • Execution metrics give the execution detail of the paragraphs that are seen by user, notebook, paragraph, interpreter... This monitoring will act as a "history" of executions.

The details of the new monitoring can be found in the following link here.

EXPAND functionality on Relational Entities

When working with relational databases the Platform Entities/Ontologies are mapped to Tables, and the Tables are related to each other (1-1, 1-N, N-N relationships).

The platform allows to relate the Entities, the EXPAND functionality allows that when making a query, insertion or update, automatically the Platform knows how to work with the Entities related to the Parent Entity and returns the data of these.


In this entry you can access a complete example about the use.


In addition to new features, version by version we incorporate to the Platform improvements in existing parts, new assets, and of course the resolution of all the bugs detected in the quarter.

Among these improvements we would like to highlight.

New Application View on Control Panel Home Screen

With the new Application Home View, a user will be able to see on his Home Screen all the Applications created or participated in by that user.

In addition, the user will be able to select which of the 2 Views is more suitable. select between these 2 Views on the Home Screen.


Read more.

Process Verifier Asset

The new Process Verifier asset allows to check the result of the execution of processes developed on the platform allowing to verify the correct loading of data into the platform.

In addition to this, the Process Verifier allows us to add rules to these processes for a better control of the inserted data, for example a rule that checks the correct integrity of the loaded data (dataExist) or one that allows us to control the number of loaded records (volumetry).

In the image we can see the execution result of a process:


At this post the process is described in full and you can access the Verifier code.

Jupyter Plugin to export Notebooks to the Platform

We have created a plugin for JupyterLab that will allow us to export one or more Jupyter Notebooks to Onesait Platform quickly and easily.


You can see how to configure Jupyter to export to the OP Notebooks here.

Integration of xWiki as a Platform Extension-Module

In this release we have integrated xWiki as an optional module in Onesait Platform for those who need to include a wiki in their projects and products.


XWiki is an open source platform with LGPC license that allows you to create and customize a wiki as needed. Using structured data and scripts in different languages (Velocity, Python, Groovy, etc.), it allows you to create macros and applications to extend the capabilities of the wiki, adjusting to the needs of each moment.

More information at this post.

Active Web Application Example using Web Template with forms and dashboards

We have created an active example Web application built in Vue.js, which from the platform Web Template creates a complete Web application with authentication, permissions, configurable menus, dashboards and forms.

At this tutorial you can see how to create the web application.

Usability improvements in Dashboards

We have also included several improvements in the usability of the Dashboards as you can see below at this post.


Onesait Platform is an Open Platform released on Github built on Open Source technologies and at the same time is a .

We have a large Spanish-speaking community that we want to continue promoting.

Release 5.2.0-ce published on GitHub

We have available the 5.2.0 Community Edition version of the Platform in our GitHub repository, where you will be able to download and test it for free: https://github.com/onesaitplatform/onesaitplatform-cloud/tree/5.2.0-ce

New Version in Onesait Platform Lab

Onesait Platform's CloudLab, our experimentation environment, has been updated to version 5.2.0-TopGun which includes all these features.

Community Channels

These are the ones we use to keep in touch with you. With each passing quarter we continue to grow in both content and followers (thank you all very much!). Throughout this third quarter of 2023:

  • We have +1,500 registered users in the CloudLab of Onesait Platform, our free and experimental environment.

  • We have 205 subscribers in our channel of YouTube, totaling +1,050 total viewing hours and surpassing 125,000 impressions of our videos and live streams.

  • Our Community version of the Platform in GitHub has +2,000 clones, with a total of 275 developers following the project closely.

  • With respect to our Blog, this adds up to a total of +595,000 reads of our articles, increasing this quarter by +80,000 reads, and with a total of 556 entries published..

  • We surpassed +370,000 total impressions on X (antiguo Twitter), with almost 1,300 reposts and +1,500 likes of our xeets.



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