Published Release 1.6.0 (empire) of onesait Platform

Published Release 1.6.0 (empire) of onesait Platform


On january 17, 2020, release 1.6.0 of the onesait Cloud Platform was published (aka empire version, following our version policy: Version Policy onesait Cloud Platform).

You can follow our roadmap in Roadmap onesait Platform

Below you can see this release's main features:


This version includes support for aplication and microservices developent, for which the platform offers a centralized web console that supports the administration, configuration and development of all types of applications, integrating the creation of applications, its deployment on the CaaS infrastructure, application, visualization, ..

The following features have been incorporated in this release:

  • Support for Multitenant Solutions deployment over the Platform: This functionality allows the management of several verticals / solutions / projects (eg Vertical Lighting, Smart Home, Smart Industry, ...) transparently on the same Platform installation, in addition to allowing each of these verticals to support different clients or tenants ( pj Smart Home solution offers the service to a telco XXX and a YYY operator)

More Info: 

  • Distributed Transaction Service on Platfom Repositories: This functionality allows handling distributed transactions over the different databases supported by the platform (Mongo, Elastic, relational BD, ...) in a simple way. This service can be used via REST API or integrated with Java Client / Spring Boot:

Here you can learn more about this service: Distributed Transaction Service: How to use it in Platform

  • Internacionalization Service: This service allows you to manage translations in different languages ​​visually from the Control Panel Platform. It also offers a REST API and the service is integrated with the Dashboard Engine, which allows Dashboard's texts internationalization.

More info in this tutorial: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/229113903

  • Planner for REST Services: This integrated service allows to easily schedule calls to REST services:

allowing to define for each service the CRON invocation, HTTP method, activation dates and the service's invocation parameters:

For more detail you can query guide for the component: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/303071305

  • FlowEngine Componente Monitorization: Some different features have been incorporated to help users to know the component's status. 

Among these, Endpoint Healhcheck:

Flow engine tenant auto restart to errors

Tenant's Open socket Monitoring:

You can learn how yo configure this feature here: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/291504300

  • FlowEngine component for orchestrate DataFlows: This component allows the use of FlowEngine as an orchestration engine for the pipelines created in the DataFlow. This way the DataFlow will be independent from the control logic and could be dedicate it to its main ETL or streaming functionality.

    These components allows to perform the following operations on a DataFlow pipeline:

    START: allows to launch a pipeline by passing a series of parameterers

STOP: stops the pipeline

STATUS: returns the pipeline state.

More info about this: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/308445197

  • REST API Services Publication with Open API 3 standard: During the initiative https://www.onesaitplatformrevolution.com/ one of the teams was responsible for supporting Open API 3 as a publishing mechanism for the Platform REST APIS and was integrated into the Community version of Platform. Following our governance mechanism, this functionality has been integrated into the Enterprise version of Platform, and is the standard mechanism for publishing APIs (also supporting Swagger 2).

See Platform Blog Post

  • New Features in Encryption/decryption Service: The platform allows to encrypt ontology's attributes so that they are stored in this way. The platform manages it transparently. In this version new capabilities have been incorporated such as the ability to make queries using encrypted attributes:

or encryption on array and object type attributes.

More info about this feature: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/227967015

  • Audit Service New Features (including REST API): All operations performed on the platform are audited by storing this information in Elasticsearch and making it available as an ontology per user. Various improvements in the audit service have been included, ranging from new operating tools:

to a REST API that applications can use to audit their operations so that they are registered on the platform):

Learn more at: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/9142540

  • Reorganization of the Control Panel Menu: with the incorporation of the new features of this version, new menu options have appeared. We have considered reorganizing these options to try to give it more logic.

    In this post you can see how the menu has been organized: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/311132171 

    And remember that the administrator of a Platform instance can decide to reorganize this menu at its installation: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/62324805


This platform 's version focuses on supporting the development of systems and applications that need to use analytical, AI or distributed intake capabilities of the platform.

In this quarter we have focused on:

  • Multitenant Support on DataFlow/Multi-instance Management on DataFlow: from this version the platform allows to define and manage different DataFlow instances, so that each user can create their pipelines in one of them.

The platform manages these instances transparently to the user:

All the information about the functionality is hereMultitenant Support on Dataflow

  • Automatic Publication of Notebooks as Microservices: This functionality allows to develop a notebook in any of the platform-supported languages ​​(Spark, Python, R, ...) and once tested and trained, make it available as a microservice that can be invoked as a URL. For this, the platform microservice management functionality is used.


From the Notebook's menu option;

In this guide: /wiki/spaces/OP/pages/276332641 you can see how to work with this feature.

  • New Data Discovery Gadget This new Gadget type makes use of the DataDiscovery operations and therefore works on the server. Given a datasource, allows to perform a data exploration on it in a table format, in addition to allowing editing it in visualization mode (or not):

This post explains how to create and configure this type of gadget: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/291405828

  • Improvements in Report Engine in ordeer to allow load of extra resources like fonts, images,...

More info here How to create Reports with extra resources

  • Inclusion of Monaco Editor for Template Gadgets: To make the creation of Templates gadgets easier, the old editor has been replaced by another based on Monaco Editor (Visual Studio Code editor's base):

  • Update of Notebooks Engine yo use Python 3 by default


This category includes all the tools that help Platform's Development and Operation of the platform.

In this quarter we have incorporated these new tools:

  • Tool integrated on Control Panel to promotion between Environments: In response to the requests of various platform users, a Jenkins pipeline has been created able to extract all the information from a platform-based environment (info in ConfigDB, Ontologies, APIS, Flows, DataFlows, Notebooks, info in RealTimeDB), to compress it and to load it into a destination source by making a previous backup of the destination environment in case there is a problem.

This tutorial explains the functionality in detail: Environment promotion tool

  • Eclipse Plugin for development with the Platform: A first version of the Eclipse plugin for the Java Platform developer has been developed that allows to connect to an environment, manage ontologies (listing, editing, creation, ...), execute queries over them and generate Java code that represents that ontology:

This guide shows how to install and use the plugin: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/290488515

  • Tool for local development of dashboards: In some scenarios the same team of developers is working on the same dashboard, even on the same gadget. In these scenarios it can be interesting that each develop can work in their local space, and then merge the functionalities. For this, a small utility has been created that allows you to develop these dashboards locally and then upload them to the platform easily.

More information here/wiki/spaces/PT/pages/290226216/wiki/spaces/PT/pages/290226216

  • New Features on Export/Import Tool: This useful tool is now able to export and import existing FlowEngine domains:

More info: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/16973827

  • Deployment Automation of Platform with Rancher 2: Platform installer (Ansible) suports Rancher 1.6, Rancher 2.X and OpenShift 4.X

  • New Guides on DevOps: A new section has been created in the Platform's documentation that includes various information about the Platform DevOps process.

Open Source Initiative

This line of work includes all tasks related to the Platform's Open Source version (Onesait Platform Community).

In this quarter we have continued with the line launched in Q3 of 2019, specifically:

  • Release 1.1.0-ce of Onesait Platform published on Github: The Open source version of the platform is available on Github (https://github.com/onesaitplatform/). In addition, new manuals have been included and existing ones have been improved, so that the platform execution and use is easier for the users.

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