Published Release 4.1.0 (Outlaw) of Onesait Platform

Published Release 4.1.0 (Outlaw) of Onesait Platform

A new Onesait Platform!

At the end of the second quarter we published the second release in which the platform adds the Experience and Center distributions.

Release 4.1.0 of the Onesait Platform (OutLaw mnemonic) is released on July 15, 2022, following our versioning policy.: Version Policy Onesait Platform.

You can follow our 2022 Roadmap and find more information about the capabilities of the Platform in the new Developer Portal.


Optimize the development of business solutions independent of the technology layer with Lowcode strategy.

We apply agile and Lowcode strategies for the development and integration of business solutions, based on standards, independent of specific cloud vendors, and deployable on IaaS, SaaS or On Premise infrastructures:

  • Scalability and stability of any infrastructure

  • Data at the center

  • Integrated end-to-end security

License Manager

In this release, the first version of the new license management module has been published.

This module allows a flexible license management, both for Cloud and Premise deployed solutions that may not have Internet access.

This first version allows the management of the modules that make up the product to be licensed and of the licenses associated either to the product or to any of its modules and allows to validate the validity of a license through a REST endpoint offered for this purpose (in SaaS mode) or a library for local validation.

Furthermore, as shown in the image, the License Manager has been integrated into the Control Center, so that a product can manage its licenses from the same place where it can manage its environments, deployments, architecture, documentation, infra costs, etc.

More information in the component description.

Support Enumerated and Null Values in Entities (Ontologies)

This functionality allows defining enumerated values and default values for the attributes of an Entity.

In the image we see the Default Value and Enumerated Values columns:

With the enumerated values we can manage the values of an attribute, for example in the Entity CRUD or in the CRUD Gadget:

While with the default value support the platform guarantees that if the value of an attribute of an Entity does not arrive it will be popularized with that default value.

These functionalities are detailed in these entries:

Support Enumerated Values in Entities

Support Defaults in Entities

Publication of Architecture Assets in OpenSource model

This quarter we have started with the publication of Onesait Architecture assets in Open Source model, releasing them in Github, Nexus and DockerHub.

You can see which assets have been published in this release here

Other Improvements

Certificate authentication support

In this version we have supported certificate authentication in our advanced Identity Manager based on Keycloak.

More info at Autenticación por certificados

Architecture Accelerator Enhancements

During this quarter we have addressed several improvements in the architecture accelerators, including Initializr, Release Manager, Role and User Manager and Open API Hub.

In this post you can read the details: Accelerator Enhancements

Improved project management

In this release we have started the process of transformation of the Project concept, from now on we will start calling the Project/Application to differentiate them from other platform concepts such as the Web project.

The Project/Application Management UI has been redesigned to simplify project management.

Architecture Frame of Reference Publication

Info in Marco de Referencia Arquitectura Backend.


Maximize the value of your information with our methodology and algorithm.

We virtualize and simplify data access between organizations, departments and systems, achieving a 360º view of business entities and facilitating their exploitation through real-time rules, execution of complex algorithms or traditional analysis:

  • Single multi-repository data model

  • Collaborative environment for Data Scientist

  • Access, management and consumption of APIs

AutoML Models from Platform

With this functionality we will be able to select the attributes of an Entity (or make a query in SQL on one or several Entities) and a learning model will be created and trained automatically, allowing to predict the value of another attribute.

Once the model has been trained, it can be consulted like any other Entity:

In addition, these models can be modified through the API Manager for consulting

In this section you can find more documentation about the component.: AutoML

Spark Cluster Management Support

In this quarter we have started with this functionality that we will continue during Q3. In the quarter we have focused on the embedded deployment of a Spark cluster together with Platform along with its job visualization tools, as well as being able to send Spark jobs through the platform tools.

This post discusses the integration and future extensions in detail: Management and Integration with Spark

New Onesait Platform DataFlow

Until this version, Onesait Platform has been equipped withStreamsets Data Collector (SDC) as the engine of the Onesait Platform Dataflow module. SDC was an open-source software, during this time we have successfully used this technology in many projects and products.

Streamsets, the company behind SDC, changed its licensing policy and as of version 4.0, SDC is not open-source. Due to this change in the license we have made a fork of the SDC open-source repository, starting from version 3.23.0 and from this release, the Onesait Platform team will carry out both corrections and new functionalities. This new product, derived from SDC, has the name Onesait Platform Dataflow and will continue to maintain the Apache License 2.

In any case, Onesait Platform will continue to support Streamsets Data Collector for all those projects that prefer to purchase the Streamsets license.

More details at New version of Onesait Platform Dataflow

Other enhancements

Access to private VPNs from DataFlow

The ability to connect to an OpenVPN VPN from within a pipeline has been encapsulated in the DataFlow, so that access to this VPN is started when the flow is started and disconnected when it is finished in an autonomous way.

This will allow us to do ingests in a very simple way against repositories to which there is only access from a VPN.

More detail on how to set this up in Dataflow Access to Private VPNs


A complete design system for the definition and construction of digital products.

We connect research and user-centered design with the construction and development of interfaces with the latest technologies:

+70 reusable components

35% savings in conceptualization and design time

25% savings in front-end development time

Following the integration of the Onesait Design asset as Onesait Platform Experience (more info at Experience Guides) we have made progress in two very important areas during this quarter:

Visual Development of User Interfaces from FIGMA design

In order to offer a proprietary solution for the development of user interfaces with a Low Code approach, a user and role management archetype connected to the Onesait Platform APIs has been developed.

This tool fits in with the rapid prototyping of Onesait products and speeds up the process of building a solution of these characteristics.

You can find more details about the tool in LowCode Visual Development from FIGMA designs.


Desarrollo con microfrontends

With microfrontends you can integrate at build time different modules, so the main application will be the container that will install the components as libraries.

These microfrontends or distributed modules are built with Vue.js and follow the structure of a project under this development framework.

More info at Microfrontends: how to build distributed modules


Monitor the operations of your environments and solutions through a centralized console.

Manage the deployment and operation of your solutions in your preferred cloud, and have tools to facilitate the migration of your Legacy solutions to the cloud:

  • Simplify Cloud migrations

  • Centralizes the DevSecOps ecosystem

  • Manage the deployment of reusable functional accelerators

After the initial version of the Control Center, we have focused on these lines of work during this quarter:

Legacy Application Modernization Process Support

As a project accelerator tool, the Center includes a methodological approach and tools to migrate existing applications to Cloud environments using the Kubernetes standard.

In this first version we have focused on providing a solution to the legacy application scenario, in which what we are going to do is to move the components of the current solution to a container-based solution deployed on the cloud.

If you are interested in seeing this functionality in operation, do not hesitate to contact us through the platform channels.

This process includes the Assessment of the current application,

which can be visualized as follows:

Containerization of the current software,

Preparation for Kubernetes deployment through Chart Helm:

and Deployment of the same application in different cloud environments with minimal configuration changes.

In this post you can understand how the process works.

Other improvements

Improvements in project cost calculator

With the feedback gathered by the Business Development team, small improvements have been made to the Platform Center cost calculator. These include Integration with Google Compute Engine pricing and Control in the approval flow for the user with Business Developer role.



Our framework defines the incorporation of the most recent and proven practices to ensure the quality and agility of our product development process, highlighting the following aspects of the strategy:

Platform backups on Velero

In this release of Plataforma, Velero has been integrated as a tool to make backups of the Kubernetes namespaces of Plataforma, this way it is guaranteed that in case of a problem the service can be restored as soon as possible.

The backups can be stored in Buckets, for example from Google, and it is also possible to use the MinIO service integrated in Plataforma as backup storage:

More info here: Platform Backups with Velero


Open Source technologies to create community and ensure independence

Throughout this second quarter of 2022, we have worked on:

A new Community Newsletter

We do not stop generating new content, so to reach everyone we have decided to create an internal Newsletter on a monthly basis with the most relevant content of the month, such as:

  • Those blog posts that are having the most success.

  • The points we are working on.

  • Relevant news about our Product or technology in general.

  • Upcoming events of the Platform team.

  • More sections that will come to light over time.

New contents in the Blog

As you may know, last quarter we carried out a remodeling of the blog, not only to give it a more modern look but also to adapt it to how we wanted to organize the information.

This was due to the fact that, as you probably already know, there has been an internal restructuring in Minsait, so new teams and units are collaborating with us, so they have their place of honor in our Community.

This quarter you have probably noticed how we have increased the pace of publication of articles on different topics, with new content and tutorials on Architecture and Back, as well as Geospatial and GIS.

Remember that you can access the thematic contents from the "Technologies" menu:


Restructuring of the Developer Portal

We continue to expand the contents of the Developer Portal, this time including the documentation of the different practices that comprise the Onesait Platform.

Now, in addition to having information on the Platform as such, the Accelerators and other practices, we have the different Reference Frameworks we use, which allows us to know which technologies we work with, why and the best practices:

Community Releases

Community Channels

These are the ones we use to keep in touch with you, and we continue to grow in both content and followers (thank you all very much!). Throughout this first quarter of the year:

  • We reached 1,190 users in the CloudLab of the Onesait Platform, our free and experimental environment.

  • We surpassed 160 subscribers in our channel of YouTube,totaling +780 total viewing hours and exceeding 92,000 impressions.

  • Our Community version of the Platform in GitHub exceeds +850 clones, and with a total of 255 developers currently following the project.

  • Ou rBlog totaled +200,000 reads of our articles, increasing this quarter by +40,000 reads.

  • We surpassed +320,000 total impressions on Twitter, with +125,000 visits to our profile, +650 retweets and +1170 likes from our peeps.

If you want to keep up to date with our special events, don't forget to sign up to our Meetup Community, where there are already +710 subscribers.


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