Published Release 3.2.0 (Legend) of Onesait Platform

Published Release 3.2.0 (Legend) of Onesait Platform


General Info

On October 1, 2021, Release 3.2.0 of the Onesait Platform (Legend mnemonic) was published, following our release policy: Version Policy onesait Cloud Platform.

You can follow our roadmap at Roadmap Onesait Platform

Below you can see the main features of this release.


This platform distribution offers tools for the agile development of microservices and all types of applications through a LowCode approach incorporating a centralized web console that supports the administration, configuration, development and deployment of these applications.

In this version we have incorporated important features:

  • Serverless Platform Development Support: Serverless is a trend in Software Architecture that reduces the notion of infrastructure allowing developers to not have to worry about load balancing, multithreading and other infrastructure issues and focus solely on their code as the Serverless platform itself manages the resources.

The main cloud providers already have offers on this Serverless paradigm. In Plataforma we have made an analysis to choose the most appropriate Serverless technology to incorporate/support in Plataforma considering among others Cloud independence, simple/native deployment in Cloud providers, support On Premise Deployment, Open-Source technology, multi-language support, simplicity and extensibility of the technology, maturity, community, popularity, extensibility, documentation and support. After the analysis we have decided to integrate Fn Project.

From the Control Panel we will be able to make a complete management of our Serverless functions:

In this entry you can find the summary of the deliberation and details on the use of the part and in this new section the documentation of the component:Serverless Manager GuidesUNDEFINED


  • MinIO integration as ObjectStorage and Platform File Repository: In release 3.1 MinIO was included as a persistence engine for the creation of Datalakes, using Presto as a query engine on files stored in MinIO.

    In this release MinIO has been incorporated as a new File Repository to store files and for its processing in the platform from components such as (notebooks, dataflows...).

    Platform users will be able to use the MinIO Object Store, accessing it through the menu option Dev Tools > My File Repository (NEW).

    From here we will be able to make a total management of the files of the own user as well as of those files to which it has been authorized by other users. It includes functionalities such as:

    • Upload files.

    • Update files.

    • Delete files.

    • Share files with other users.

    • Copy download url via API S3.

    • Download/update files from other users to whom I have been authorized.

    • View user's bucket structure (directories, subdirectories and files).

The details of the integration can be found here: https://onesaitplatform.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ROAD/pages/2283471490

  • New mechanism for user creation: Taking advantage of the PenTesting that the company SIA did on the platform, a new mechanism has been implemented for the creation of users from the self-registration (sign-up), as well as for password recovery in case of forgetting and communication of password modification for a user from the control-panel or from the management APIs.

    The user will receive an email of this style, indicating the url where he/she can finish the registration process, as well as a warning that in case of not finishing the process in a given time (configurable by installation), the link will disappear as well as the previous information provided:

You can find detailed information about the process here: https://onesaitplatform.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ROAD/pages/2283471665


This platform distribution supports the development of systems that use Platform Intelligence capabilities, including ingestion from different sources, analytics, KPI generation and visualization, and AI/ML models.

And in this quarter we have been working on this:

  • Gadget Custom: Until this platform version we contemplated the concept of Gadget Template, a template created with JS + CSS + HTML that can be instantiated by assigning a set of parameters.

    The new concept of Gadget Custom is a specific instantiation of a Gadget Template with its parameters already assigned. For example you could create a gadget template type map that as a parameter allows you to select the country, and have a Custom Gadget instantiated for Spain and that you would call Map Spain.

More information about the capabilities of this new type of gadget in this post: https://onesaitplatform.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ROAD/pages/2283471230

  • Template Web integration with ODS: Thanks to the collaboration with Onesait's UX team, in this release we find a new project and product accelerator that allows with a minimum of configuration to start our developments on a web project on Vue.js technology and the Design System.

    Read more about the integration: https://onesaitplatform.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ROAD/pages/2283471602

  • Mongo 5 support as a Platform repository: MongoDB has released its 5.0 version, with very interesting features such as Native support for TimeSeries, new aggregation operators, operation over document windows, online re-sharding and new operation shell.

    MongoDB is the Real Time Database of reference in the platform, widely used in many projects and products so we must always be compatible with the latest versions, as well as consider incorporating its native features to the platform.

    As an initial point, MongoDB has been supported and the MongoDB driver version has been updated to the latest driver version (MongoDB synchronous driver 4.3.1).

  • Library persistence and SSO for Notebooks: the Notebook engine has been integrated with platform security through SSO (by default disabled for backward compatibility). Additionally, the folder where the libraries are downloaded is persisted when they are installed from the notebooks so that it is not necessary to reinstall them in case of an update.

    More information here: https://onesaitplatform.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ROAD/pages/2283471538


This platform distribution supports the development of IoT systems, both in the Cloud and Edge environments.

In this quarter we have made progress in:

  • PKI SIAVAL integration with IoT/Edge HUB for Landscape (devices) signature.

  • IoT/Edge HUB managed devices into Google ecosystem with IoT Core and Pub/Sub.


Within this line of work we include all the tools, utilities and platform capabilities that assist in Development and Operation.

  • New version of the Operation Console adapted to the new Platform versions: The Operation Console is a tool built with the aim of helping teams building their solution on Onesait Platform to manage in a simple way and without the need for prior knowledge about these technologies including the deployment of platform and services built on it, the monitoring of this and platform tickets.

    More information in this section.

  • Support Ticket Management from the Operation Console: In this release a new section has been added within the Operation Console where the user will be able to register new tickets associated to his Project or Product and consult the status of all his tickets registered in our support tool.

More details in this entry.

Onesait Platform Community

This line of work includes the tasks we carry out in relation to the Platform Community, of which the Open Source version of the Onesait Platform forms part, as well as the Platform's different communication channels.

Throughout this third quarter of 2021, we have worked on:

  • Community Channels: these are the ones we use to keep in touch with you, and we continue to grow in both content and followers (thank you all very much!). Throughout this second quarter of the year we have:

    • We gained +30 users and added 1,100 users in the CloudLab, our free and experimental environment.

    • We have reached 150 subscribers in our channel of YouTube,totaling +45 hours of viewing and achieving +4,700 impressions during this quarter.

    • +60 clonings in GitHub of our Community version of the Platform, with a total of 251 developers involved in the project.

    • +22.000 readings of our articles published in the Blog.

    • We surpassed +14,000 impressions on Twitter, with 35 retweets and 60 likes from our peeps.

If you want to keep up to date with our webcasts, be sure to sign up at our Community Meetup, where there are already +720 subscribers.

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