Published Release 2.2.0 (hyperblast) of Onesait Platform

Published Release 2.2.0 (hyperblast) of Onesait Platform


On October 16th 2020 the Onesait Platform Release 2.2.0 (HyperBlast version) has been published, following our versione policy: Version Policy onesait Cloud Platform).

You can follow our roadmap at Roadmap onesait Platform

Next you can see the main functionalities of this release.


This version supports the development of applications and microservices, for which the platform offers a centralized web console that supports the administration, configuration and development of all types of applications, integrating the creation of applications, their deployment on the CaaS infrastructure, apification, visualization,...

In this version, besides multiple small improvements, we have incorporated these features:

  • Default deployment on MongoDB 4.4 and new SQL Engine: This version uses by default the new SQL Engine that goes on versions 4.x of Mongo published in version 2.0.
  • Ontology Attribute Level Profiling: adds to the Data Governance capabilities the possibility of establishing personalized permissions to access the data of an ontology at the Role or User level, allowing for example to indicate that a certain role only has access to the data stored in an ontology whose attribute STATUS is PUBLISHED, or whose attribute REGION is CENTER, so that the platform itself will be in charge of transparently filtering the queries made about that ontology:

You can see how this new capability works in this post: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/1079804470

In this way a product that is using OpenShift as its Kubernetes cluster can make the deployment of its microservice isolated from its complexity.

This post shows how to deploy the Operations Console we talked about later with this functionality: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/1079738933

  • FlowEngine Node to use platform management APIs With this new node I can easily manage the platform management APIS REST from FlowEngine, this will allow me to orchestrate them to trigger the process of creating an Ontology or API based on a call to FlowEngine.

This guide explains the use of the node: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/1082785796

  • Improvements in integration between DataFlow and FlowEngine: since many of you use the FlowEngine to orchestrate the invocations to different DataFlows the component that allows it has been improved to enable the Multiple State and Timeout Control as shown in this guide: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/1080426738

  • Various improvements to the Platform in the field of security: As a result of the requests made by different products and the security assessment carried out during this quarter, various improvements have been incorporated into the platform in this area, including
    • SSO Support with Microsoft Teams on Identity Managerso that an application built on a platform or the platform itself can easily be authenticated with the SSO of the Teams.
    • Certificate authentication support in Identity Manager so that any user with a certificate configured on the platform can log in to this
    • Encryption of passwords with SHA-3 when until now it was done with SHA-256
    • Security audit in the code: through the Spotbugs integrated into the team's development IDE and its integration into SonarQube, a code quality review process has been carried out in this period.


This version of the platform focuses on supporting the development of systems and applications that use the platform's intelligence capabilities, whether in the analytical, ML, AI, ingest,...

And we have great news in this distribution

  • New DataRefiner component: following the incorporation of Data Governance capabilities in the Platform, this new module has been included, which allows me to load data in different formats (XSL, CSV, XML, JSON) from my PC, the Internet or the platform itself (through a SQL query) and work with them to clean, improve, restructure or reconcile them before loading them into the platform as an Ontology.

A new section has been created for this component within the Documentation/Component Guides section: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/1077411855

  • New and great improvements in the Dashboard Engine: from the creation of gadgets in AngularJS, VueJS and React, to inline rendering of the gadget as it is created, inline inclusion of header-libs, clone templates (so that when the original template is modified all its clones change) and many others.

This guide lists all the new features: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/1050607682

  • Vue component to use Dashboards natively:Until now, the easiest way to integrate the dashboards into other web applications was to use the iFrame support provided. In this version (and brought to version 2.1) a Vue wrapper component of the Dashboards has been created with a complete API to work with the dashboards (send events, filters,...)

A complete guide on the use of this Vue component has been created: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/1041465360 plus an example available on github. 


This version of the platform focuses on supporting the development of IoT systems, both in the Cloud and Edge environments.

In this quarter we have made progress in:

  • IoT CoAP Integration: Thanks to the replacement of IoT Broker technology by EMQx, it is now possible to use CoAP clients for communication with IoT/Edge Hub with the advantages provided by such a lightweight protocol. EMQx implements the tools for partial CoAP/MQTT mapping and Things' processing of information in the latter format. The connector allows security with DTLS. Further details about the standard use from the client can be found at: https://github.com/emqx/emqx-coap.

  • IoT Edge HUB with Digital Client (Kafka): The bridge component is now available that allows to concentrate all the acquisition information (device2cloud) from a set of devices associated with a project and process them with a single topic. All ingest messages can be inserted into a Kafka server or through a Digital Client that uses this same transport.
  • Support for IA/Video models deployed at the Edge: Intel's OpenVINO® (R5) packages are now available for installation on Edge Devices that will deploy IA processing models. Additionally, the application architecture has been standardized for their use using Python 3.5 in containers providing basic examples of people and face detection. These model containers capture the stream in several formats, decompose it into its frames, apply the optimized model (TPU, GPU, CPU or FPGA) and return a stream with zones of interest and the detection metadata.

  • Edge BAcNET/SMTP: The use of BacNET over RS485 serial port with MSTP is now available. All the functionalities available for TCP [GET/Status Devices, POST /config/signals] are available for this protocol, including the MQTT transformation. 


Within this category we include all the tools that help in the Development and Operation of the platform.

In this quarter we have focused on a new Tool that we believe will be very useful for products and organizations that adopt the Platform as a Corporate Digital Platform.

  • Initial Version of Operation Console: although there is still a long way to go in this version we publish the first release of this new tool, which was born with the objective of helping the teams that build their solution on Onesait Platform to manage in a simple way and without the need of previous knowledge about these technologies:
    • The deployment of the platform and the services built on it


Platform and service monitoring

  • (Working on this) The associated costs at both Infrastructure and Platform level

We have created a new section for this new Tool: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/1077641295 . 

You can take a look at their capabilities here: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/1079738369

or its /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/1079803917

Onesait Platform Community 

This line of work includes all the tasks related to the Platform Community, of which the Open Source version of the Onesait Platform is a part, as well as the different communication channels of the Platform.

With regard to the strategy set for 2020 on the lines of the Community, during this quarter (considering that the summer is in between)

  • New Onesait Platform Space Community:  from which you have direct access to the different channels and media of the platform. You can access at https://onesaitplatform.github.io/web/ 
  • Community Channels: we continue to work so that the different communication channels grow in content and reach more followers. Thus, this last quarter we have:
    • Generated 66 new Blog entries, both in Spanish and English, reaching 1,321 views.
    • Uploaded 15 new videos to YouTube, gaining 32 new subscribers and totaling 22.7 hours of viewing time and over 3,300 impressions.
    • Increase in the number of users and visits to our Onesait Platform CloudLab environment
    • A total of 122 clones of our Community version of the Platform, being crashed a total of 42 times and followed by up to 235 developers.
  • Release of Onesait Platform version 1.3.0-ce: this Community version maps with version 2.1 (gradius) of the Enterprise version. You can access this version in the Github repository (https://github.com/onesaitplatform/). 

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