Published Release 1.3.0 (barbarian) of onesait Cloud Platform

Published Release 1.3.0 (barbarian) of onesait Cloud Platform

On March 29, 2019 version 1.3.0 of onesait Cloud Platform (aka barbarian), in honour of the classic video game, has been published following our version policy: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/60326117).

The list below shows this version main features:

  • Gravitee integration as API Manager Premium: plataform now includes an API Manager module (Guides section) which allows to apify operations over ontologies, REST services with Swagger descriptor y flows created with Flow Engine. Gravitee is one of the most powerful and most used open-source API Manager. With Gravitee within the platform, it adds more advanced apification options, all of them integrated with Control Panel. Check this video to watch it.

   When users create an API, they can choose if it will be published in Gravitee:

Once selected, users can used Gravitee tools from APIS list:

This dashboard shows audit, API invocation stats...

or define policies such as transformations, cache, routing, validations...

  • Jasper Reports integration as Reports Engine: working within a community model (described below), Jasper integration as Reports Engine has been developed. From menu options VISUALIZATION > My Reports

Users can attach a Jasper template (.jrxml format) created in a Jasper Reports editor as JasperSoft Studio. 

Once created, it can be played via REST API or from Control Panel UI:

UI will ask users to introduce the parameters defined in the template and it will generate a report in one of the allowed extensions:

Feel free to use this template to check how it works: StretchReport.jrxml

Platform team suggests using Platform API REST as Datasources in order to generate a report. So, API owner will expose the info to be included in the report. 

  • FlowEngine flow apification: this feature allows a developer to apify a flow from FlowEngine in Api Manager. Therefore, users can now create APIs visually with no programming. Platform offers different components to do so:

/wiki/spaces/PT/pages/63799297 shows how to apify mail sending.

  • Addon for Data Mining Orange tool: Platform team recommends to use Orange as Data Mining tool. Orange is a tool to allow a non-expert user to make easily data interactive analysis, exploratory data analysis, train and execute models or visual programming.

Resultado de imagen de orange biolab

Platform team has developer some addons which make possible the communication between the tool and the platform. In the following guides, you can learn how to install and use the addon: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/76611643

Addon includes components to connect with the platform,

make queries,

ontology flattening,

insert queries:

and trained models uploading:

  • New features in @onesaitplatform interpreter for Notebooks: interpreter new version integrates new features such as interpreter helper, DEBUG mode or API manager interacting instructions: API queries and API invocation.

This post shows how to call the different methods of the interpreter: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/62357575 and a complete example: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/84148237

  • Open Source simulation: in this trimester, a complete simulation of Open Source model with a Minsait extern team has been carried out. This extern team has been led by @aponcepita, who has built Reports engine described above, including entities, UI, business logic. In Platform Github, there is a thread which contains Issue and Pull Request processes (https://github.com/onesaitplatform/onesait-cloud-platform/issues/3) until branch integration with the rest of the platform.

  • GIS layers from queries and refresh time: in previous release, a feature about creating GIS layers from ontologies with geographic information (GeoJSON) and GIS viewers was included. In this feature GIS layers can be customized, adding a query (which allows to create different layers over data from the same ontology) and refresh time:

and assign different markers depending on values:

So, your GIS Viewer is like that:

  • Upturns and new OP components for DataFlow: due to the popularity increase of DataFlow module, new components have been created and more configuration options added. So:

Onesait Platform Origin component produces events and allows to iterate over queries: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/63439008

Onesait Platform Insert component also produces events and allows to configurate more options such as BULK mode: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/63439019

Onesait Platform Update component allows to make UPDATEs in platform: /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/67534883

  • Platform security complete review: in order to fulfill the european regulations for Select4Cities project, in which onesait Platform was one of the 3 winners (check it here!), an independent security audit has been carried out checking aspects such as login access, CROSS SITE SCRIPTING, CROSS-SITE REQUEST FORGERY. Also, a captcha in user creation and user login has been included and reset password and user registration processes have been improved. 

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