How instances work

How instances work

From version 1.6, you connect the platform with several instances of Dataflow, for example, to balance load or to separate development and production environments.


When updating the version, the dataflow control panel interface changes to accommodate more information and more functionality about the dataflows. For administrators, the instance management part changes, since they are the only ones with sufficient permissions to manage the instances.
You have all the information about Dataflow permissions in:User permissions on Dataflow


Each instance works independently of the others, but everything is transparent to the user managing Dataflows in different instances. The platform does not support on-demand instance creation, so these must already be created in the environment for the platform to establish connection.
To know how to connect to an instance visit the following link:


Instances can be assigned to users so that, when they develop new flows, these flows are created on the assigned instance.
Visit the following link to know how to assign an instance to a user:


By default, the platform creates a primary connection to a Dataflow instance, in which all the users can create their flows if they are not assigned. This instance can be changed if desired.
To know how to change the default instance you can read the following entry:


You have all the information about instances in the following menu:

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