How to use Onesait insert destination

How to use Onesait insert destination



The Onesait destination stage of Dataflow inserts information on the configured ontologies.

How to use it

Importing to the pipeline

To add it to the pipeline, search for Onesait in the stages palette like so.

Drag and drop to the panel.

Once imported, it can be configured to achieve different behaviours depending on the case. 

Available configuration tabs


This tab shows general information and an option to show the event generator point on the stage.

Checking the "Produce Events" option the stage shows another point to make usage of the events.

The events triggered are:

  • Document modified
    • Which sends the inserted records in a list (data-inserted)
  • Document not modified
    • Which sends the not inserted records in a list (data-not-inserted)

For example, data inserted:


This tab shows a form to fill with the Digital Broker information of the Onesait platform.

The root node option can add the record data to a root property before inserting it.


This tab shows the main form of the stage. It can be configured to use regular ontologies or timeseries ones by applying on the check.

  • Bulk: numbers of records per bulk.
  • ThreadPool: Number of threads to create.
  • Timeseries ontology: To check if the ontology is timeseries type.
  • Timeseries multiupdate: To use multiupdate when inserting data on the document.
  • Type ontology.
  • Timeseries time field of ontology.
  • Enable sumatory pre-calc.
  • Enable count pre-calc.
  • Update fields list. Fields to update on the document.
  • Origin timeseries value field.
  • Destination ontology time series value field.