

  • Core: The Platform proposes a Data Centric Architecture where data is the main and permanent asset, proposing a Multi-model Persistence where the Platform is able to isolate from the storage technology offering a common interface to the rest of the pieces.

  • Acquisition: offers the mechanisms for data capture, either actively from these systems or by connecting with them. It abstracts the information from the Systems with a semantic approach (Entities/Ontologies).

  • Processing: this layer processes all the information received and managed by the platform, offering different tools and approaches for processing depending on the use case.

  • Publication & Visualization: it is in charge of offering tools that allow the information managed in the platform to be published, both so that other systems can consume it and so that users can analyse and visualise it.

  • Knowledge: provides support for data analysis, the incorporation of value and the creation and publication of models based on this data.

  • Management: this transversal layer supports the rest of the functionalities by offering services such as security, auditing, monitoring, security, etc., in addition to the Platform management web console and REST APIS for development on the platform.

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