How to use Onesait origin file
This node is available from version 2.0.2 of the Platform.
The Onesait origin file is used to read large files from the Binary Files of the Onesait Platform.
How to use it
Importing to the pipeline
To add it to the pipeline, search for Onesait in the stages palette like so:
Drag and drop to the panel.
Once imported, it can be configured to achieve different beheaviours depending on the case.
General tab
This tab has general information and an option to show the event generator point on the stage.
Checking the "Produce Events" option the stage shows another point to make usage of the events.
The events are triggered on:
No more data to read from the file.
Page read.
Connection tab
This tab shows a form to fill with the needed information to connect with the Platform’s Control Panel.
Only users authorized will be allow to read the file selected.
Configuration tab
This tab shows a form to fill with the reading configuration.
File Id: the id of the file you want to read.
Batch number: numer of lines that can be red each time.
Starting offset: the line number you want to start reading on.
Skip headers: choose whether you want to return the headers of the CSV file each time or not.
Stop on complete: stop pipeline when finish.
Suppose that we are reading a CSV file and that we have configured the node to include the headers. We would obtain a result of the style: