How to use the Applications?

How to use the Applications?


The concept of an Application (also known as a Project) groups users and resources, enabling the creation of a collaborative environment where Platform users with different roles can manage grouped concepts. This setup not only allows for the assignment of permissions but also adds a security domain, such as a web application accessible to end users, all managed from a single point.

Only users with "developer" and "analyst" roles can create Applications.

Next, we explain how to work with Applications.

Creating Applications

When accessing the Control Panel, a view will display the Applications available to the user.


You can also access to My Applications from the Applications menu.


A list of Applications available to the user will be shown, where permissions for the user can be viewed.

To create a new Application, click the «+» button at the top right corner of the screen.

This will display the Application creation wizard, where basic information needs to be entered:

  • Name: The unique name to identify the Application.

  • Description: A detailed text description of the Application, including its usage, properties, features, etc.

  • Image: An image selector to define the cover image of the Application in the Application list.

Once these fields are completed, the Application can be created by clicking the «Create» button.

After this, the Application is created, and the Application editing wizard will open for configuration.

Configuring the Application

An Application has the following options:

Application Environment

This section allows users to view a graph of the concepts associated with the Application, enabling direct access to resources from the graph.

General Information

This section displays the primary information about the Application: the name, the owner, the description, and the associated image.

Both the description and the image can be updated, while the name and the owner are locked.

Application Developers

This section allows the management of permissions for Application development, enabling the addition of collaborators who can modify the various concepts associated with the Application. This creates a collaborative development environment to easily evolve the project.


Managing end users is defined in this section, with two options to add permissions:

  • Platform Users: Add any necessary users. Permissions can then be managed on a user-by-user basis rather than by roles.

  • Security Domain: By selecting "Link with Realm?" you can link a Realm generated in the Platform, which incorporates pre-configured access management using roles defined in the Realm, simplifying permission management.

Application Resources

The project interface includes new controls for adding all concepts managed via the Application.

Users can centrally manage all resources associated with the Application, with options to view, edit, or delete resources from the Application (but not from the Platform). Specific features, such as accessing Swagger for APIs, are also available.

Users can also evolve the Application with new resources via:

  • Assigning new resources: By selecting the "Assign" option at the top right, users can search the Platform for available resource types and check their assignment status. This allows for the reuse of already created resources and permission assignments.

After selecting the concept, desired permissions can be added for end users, assigning read/write access based on roles or individual users.

  • Generating new resources: To maintain centralized development management, users can access the resource palette from the menu. This not only displays resource groupings by type but also allows for the creation of new elements via the «+» option.

Once the resource type is selected, the creation process begins.

After creating the new resource, the system redirects to the Application, prompting permission assignment for different roles or users.


The Application not only groups and manages Platform concepts but also manages the related web project. This option allows you to link a pre-generated web Application in the Platform or create a new WebApp concept.


Documenting the Application helps maintain better tracking and provides a project management tool. Selecting this option allows the user to choose associated resources from a tree of all Platform concepts.

Once the desired resources are selected and documentation information is entered (identification, title, brief description, and introduction), the Application will display a list of all generated documents with options for download, versioning, or deletion.

By selecting the "view" option, detailed generated documentation can be accessed.

Forms Flow

This section within the Application displays a diagram of forms associated with the Application, allowing users to access forms directly by selecting and navigating to them via the “Go to Form” button.

Git Versioning on App

The Platform not only enables centralized project management but also includes Git versioning functionality at the Application level. This feature supports version management for the Application and its associated resources.


To do this, you only need to enter the Git configuration information:

After configuring the Git repository, the Application will manage versions for all generated resources, offering options like version generation, restoration, and resource-specific restoration within the Application.


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