Applications Diagram

Applications Diagram

Available since version 6.1.0-Warcraft


By means of this functionality, it will be possible to create diagrams from Control Panel that are associated to an Application, and that allow describing different aspects of it, such as use cases, its logical architecture, deployment architecture, etc.


The base technology for the diagrams is mxGraph, a JavaScript diagramming library that allows the creation of DrawIO-style diagrams and offers a complete set of shapes:


This library, like the rest of the components we use, is open source, and is available on GitHub:

How to use it

Diagrams are intended to be used within an Application and are therefore created from within an Application.

The creation of a diagram is done from the ‘Diagrams’ option of an Application. To access it, the Application must be edited, and it will appear in the list of options. Here you can see a list of all the diagrams created in the Application.

To create a new diagram, click on the ‘Create’ button. This will bring up an editor screen where you can create a new diagram:

Once the diagram has been created as required, the diagram can be saved by clicking on the ‘Save Changes’ button, or by using the keyboard shortcut ‘Control + S’. A dialogue box will then be displayed where the diagram can be named:

Once saved, the new diagram will appear in the previous diagram list, where it can be viewed or edited by those users who have access to the Application.