As you know, the platform's DataFlow is built on the open-source software, Streamsets Data Collector,thus the platform allows to use every component integrated in Streamsets along with the platform's own components integrated in the DataFlow.
In this post we will list the most important ones. For a greater detail, please consult the reference in Streamsets' page (
These connectors are divided in four types:
The platform includes four components:
Beyond those, the following components also exist
Standalone Pipelines- Amazon S3 - Reads objects from Amazon S3. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- Amazon SQS Consumer - Reads data from queues in Amazon Simple Queue Services (SQS). Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- Azure IoT/Event Hub Consumer - Reads data from Microsoft Azure Event Hub. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- CoAP Server - Listens on a CoAP endpoint and processes the contents of all authorized CoAP requests. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- Directory - Reads fully-written files from a directory. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- Elasticsearch - Reads data from an Elasticsearch cluster. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- File Tail - Reads lines of data from an active file after reading related archived files in the directory.
- Google BigQuery - Executes a query job and reads the result from Google BigQuery.
- Google Cloud Storage - Reads fully written objects from Google Cloud Storage.
- Google Pub/Sub Subscriber - Consumes messages from a Google Pub/Sub subscription. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- Hadoop FS Standalone - Reads fully-written files from HDFS, Azure Data Lake Storage, or Azure HDInsight. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- HTTP Client - Reads data from a streaming HTTP resource URL.
- HTTP Server - Listens on an HTTP endpoint and processes the contents of all authorized HTTP POST and PUT requests. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- HTTP to Kafka (Deprecated) - Listens on a HTTP endpoint and writes the contents of all authorized HTTP POST requests directly to Kafka.
- JDBC Multitable Consumer - Reads database data from multiple tables through a JDBC connection. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- JDBC Query Consumer - Reads database data using a user-defined SQL query through a JDBC connection.
- JMS Consumer - Reads messages from JMS.
- Kafka Consumer - Reads messages from a single Kafka topic.
- Kafka Multitopic Consumer - Reads messages from multiple Kafka topics. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- Kinesis Consumer - Reads data from Kinesis Streams. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- MapR DB CDC - Reads changed MapR DB data that has been written to MapR Streams. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- MapR DB JSON - Reads JSON documents from MapR DB JSON tables.
- MapR FS - Reads files from MapR FS.
- MapR FS Standalone - Reads fully-written files from MapR FS. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- MapR Multitopic Streams Consumer - Reads messages from multiple MapR Streams topics. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- MapR Streams Consumer - Reads messages from MapR Streams.
- MongoDB - Reads documents from MongoDB.
- MongoDB Oplog - Reads entries from a MongoDB Oplog.
- MQTT Subscriber - Subscribes to a topic on an MQTT broker to read messages from the broker.
- MySQL Binary Log - Reads MySQL binary logs to generate change data capture records.
- Omniture - Reads web usage reports from the Omniture reporting API.
- OPC UA Client - Reads data from a OPC UA server.
- Oracle CDC Client - Reads LogMiner redo logs to generate change data capture records.
- PostgreSQL CDC Client - Reads PostgreSQL WAL data to generate change data capture records.
- Pulsar Consumer - Reads messages from Apache Pulsar topics.
- RabbitMQ Consumer - Reads messages from RabbitMQ.
- Redis Consumer - Reads messages from Redis.
- REST Service - Listens on an HTTP endpoint, parses the contents of all authorized requests, and sends responses back to the originating REST API.Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline. Use only in microservice pipelines.
- Salesforce - Reads data from Salesforce.
- SDC RPC - Reads data from an SDC RPC destination in an SDC RPC pipeline.
- SDC RPC to Kafka (Deprecated) - Reads data from an SDC RPC destination in an SDC RPC pipeline and writes it to Kafka.
- SFTP/FTP Client - Reads files from an SFTP or FTP server.
- SQL Server CDC Client - Reads data from Microsoft SQL Server CDC tables. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- SQL Server Change Tracking - Reads data from Microsoft SQL Server change tracking tables and generates the latest version of each record. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- TCP Server - Listens at the specified ports and processes incoming data over TCP/IP connections. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- Teradata Consumer - Reads data from Teradata Database tables through a JDBC connection. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- UDP Multithreaded Source - Reads messages from one or more UDP ports. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline.
- UDP Source - Reads messages from one or more UDP ports.
- UDP to Kafka (Deprecated) - Reads messages from one or more UDP ports and writes the data to Kafka.
- WebSocket Client - Reads data from a WebSocket server endpoint. Can send responses back to the origin system as part of a microservice pipeline.
- WebSocket Server - Listens on a WebSocket endpoint and processes the contents of all authorized WebSocket client requests. Creates multiple threads to enable parallel processing in a multithreaded pipeline. Can send responses back to the origin system as part of a microservice pipeline.
In cluster pipelines, you can use the following origins: - Hadoop FS - Reads data from HDFS, Amazon S3, or other file systems using the Hadoop FileSystem interface.
- Kafka Consumer - Reads messages from Kafka. Use the cluster version of the origin.
- MapR FS - Reads data from MapR FS.
- MapR Streams Consumer - Reads messages from MapR Streams.
Edge PipelinesIn edge pipelines, you can use the following origins: - Directory - Reads fully-written files from a directory.
- File Tail - Reads lines of data from an active file after reading related archived files in the directory.
- gRPC Client - Reads data from a gRPC server.
- HTTP Client - Reads data from a streaming HTTP resource URL.
- HTTP Server - Listens on an HTTP endpoint and processes the contents of all authorized HTTP POST and PUT requests.
- MQTT Subscriber - Subscribes to a topic on an MQTT broker to read messages from the broker.
- System Metrics - Reads system metrics from the edge device where SDC Edge is installed.
- WebSocket Client - Reads data from a WebSocket server endpoint.
- Windows Event Log - Reads data from a Microsoft Windows event log located on a Windows machine.
Development OriginsTo help create or test pipelines, you can use the following development origins: - Dev Data Generator
- Dev Random Source
- Dev Raw Data Source
- Dev SDC RPC with Buffering
- Dev Snapshot Replaying
- Sensor Reader
| | Standalone Pipelines OnlyIn standalone pipelines, you can use the following destination: Standalone or Cluster PipelinesIn standalone or cluster pipelines, you can use the following destinations: Edge PipelinesIn edge pipelines, you can use the following destinations: Development DestinationTo help create or test pipelines, you can use the following development destination:
| - Amazon S3 - Creates new Amazon S3 objects for the specified content, copies objects within a bucket, or adds tags to existing Amazon S3 objects.
- Databricks - Starts the specified Databricks job upon receiving an event record.
- Email - Sends custom email to the configured recipients upon receiving an event.
- HDFS File Metadata - Changes file metadata, creates an empty file, or removes a file or directory in HDFS or a local file system upon receiving an event record.
- Hive Query - Runs user-defined Hive or Impala queries upon receiving an event record.
- JDBC Query - Runs a user-defined SQL query upon receiving an event record.
- MapR FS File Metadata - Changes file metadata, creates an empty file, or removes a file or directory in MapR FS upon receiving an event record.
- MapReduce - Starts the specified MapReduce job upon receiving an event record.
- Pipeline Finisher - Stops and transitions the pipeline to a Finished state upon receiving an event record.
- Shell - Executes a shell script upon receiving an event record.
- Spark - Starts the specified Spark application upon receiving an event record.