Onesait Platform Enterprise Docs
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Kudu for Ontologies
Ontologies historization: deleting old instances and exporting to files
Gravitee API Manager como API Manager avanzado en Plataforma
Utilidad de Generación de CRUD Javascript para APIs de Plataforma
How to extend the Platform with plugins?
Projects within the platform: resources and user management
Un vistazo a los Logs Centralizados
Monitoring UI Module
Query Tool ConfigDB Management
Low Code Tools: Generating Vue.js web applications from a FIGMA design
Multitenant Guides
Introduction to the Serverless Manager module
How to use the Serverless Manager module?
REST API on Dataflow
Dataflow administration
Multitenant Support on Dataflow
User permissions on Dataflow
How to load a GeoJSON into an ontology using DataFlow
Microservice Orchestration with BPM Engine (Camunda) and Saga pattern
(Panel de Control) Cómo configurar el menú del Control Panel
(Digital Twin) Despliegue de Digital Twins como Microservicios
Two Factor authentication
Base IM - Guides
External IM - Guides
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