BPM diagram editor in Control Panel
Available since Release 6.0.0
Onesait Platform includes Camunda as BPM Engine.
With Camunda we must use the Camunda Modeler desktop application to be able to create and deploy BPM processes in Platform.
In this version, based on Camunda's Github projects, we have integrated Camunda Modeler into the Control Panel, so that we can create, save and deploy BPM processes from the Control Panel itself, without the need to install anything on our computer.
How does it work?
This functionality allows users to create, upload and edit BPM diagrams associated with BPM processes in the control panel, with the possibility of deploying directly from here, as well as accessing the detail of this process: and view its status and version.
From the Control Panel, we will be able to:
To create a diagram: Allows you to create the diagram from scratch or import it.
To visualize a process: It takes you directly to the displayed process
Deploying a process from the diagram: Modal to deploy the diagram.
Edit a diagram: Allows you to edit the selected diagram.
Delete diagram: Allows you to delete the diagram.
Download the diagram: in both SVG and BPMN formats.