How to use the BPM Engine

How to use the BPM Engine


In the Defender release of the onesait Platform, we integrated Camunda BPMN.

In this guide we are going to explain the main features of this integration.

Relevant resources:

Use from the Platform

Despite the fact that you can use the full Camunda REST API to operate with module, we offer some out of the box features within the Controlpanel.

You can go to 'BPMN Tenants' in the menu:

BPMN Tenants are isolated BPMN Engine Instances, and there is one per platform user. It will be created the first time you log in the platform. This level of isolation allows deployment and management of processes more efficiently.

This implies that if you deploy a process specifying a tenant (not mandatory though), this process will be only visible by you, users with role Administrator, and Users you explicitly authorize. On the other hand Processes without tenant will be visible by any user.

Authorizations to tenants

Authorizations to tenants can be managed from the 'Lock' icon:

Uploading Processes to the platform

You can deploy processes (.bpmn and forms in .html) through the Camunda REST API or via Controlpanel.

If you choose last option, click on the 'Arrow icon'.

You can choose wether to deploy it to your tenant (tenant-{user}) or not. 

Camunda Web App

Click on the 'View it'.

You will be redirected to the Camunda Web app portal, which is integrated with SSO (oauth 2), so if you are already logged in Controlpanel you don't need to log in again.


The Camunda REST API is secured with Oauth2, so you will have to send Authorization header in every request with the Bearer Token.

Here you can take a look at some BPMN examples to test the module.

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