Non-persistent Entity/Control Entity
User interface: 6.0.0-Vegas
So far, the concept of Entity has represented the Entities managed by the Platform and persisted in one of the Platform repositories.
In many scenarios, Entities are used as "Control Entities" that are going to allow triggering processes such as:
Launching a rule.
Execution of a FlowEngine flow.
Execution of a DataFlow pipeline.
Execution of a microservice.
Communication with Broker Kafka for insertion and notification.
(In the future) Execution of a function in FaaS support.
To launch these processes it is not necessary to persist these Entities, since they are only used to trigger this option.
For this, we have created the concept of non-persistent Entity/Control Entity, which will be an option of the Entity and that when selected will not persist this Entity, but it will trigger all the processes that can be launched in the Platform after the insertion of an instance.
In order to create this type of Entity, when creating an Entity, in the "Advanced Options" tab, in the Instance selector, select the "NO_PERSISTENCE" option.