How to use OAuth2 Tokens in Platform?

How to use OAuth2 Tokens in Platform?


Onesait Platform is ready to work with OAuth2 authentication. The Oauth2 token management flow is explained below.

1. OAuth2 Realm configuration parameters

When creating or Updating a Realm, there are two parameters to be configured associated to the OAuth Tokens:

  • KEY (Clave) (Secret): key that will be used for clients's authentication..
  • TOKEN VALIDITY TIME (S) (Tiempo de validez de token (s)): configurable timespan (in seconds) in which the generated token will be valid.

They are optional attributes. If not informed, they will take default values ​​defined in the platform deployment (onesaitplatform and 43200 (12 hours)).

2. Token Generation

There is an endpoint that allows OAuth2 token generation. The URL is like this: https://lab.onesaitplatform.com/oauth-server/oauth/token

It's a POST request, and it must include:

  • Headers:
    • Authorization: (client:secret b64)
    • Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • Body:
    • grant_type: password (User/Password request)
    • username: user's Id
    • password: user's password
    • clientId: id of the client requesting the token
    • scope: Token scope 

Using Postman to send this request, will be something like this:

The response will have this format:


  • access_token: Access token.
  • refresh_token: Refresh Token (single use).
  • expires_in: Remaining validity time (seconds).
  • authorities: Realms' roles asigned to the user.

3. Check Token

Service that verifies the validity of a token. The endpoint will be like this: https://lab.onesaitplatform.com/oauth-server/openplatform-oauth/check_token

The POST request must include:

  • Headers:
    • Authorization: (client:secret b64)
  • Parameter:
    • token: token to validate

Using Postman:

If the token is valid, a response will be obtained in the form:


  • principal/name: user for which the token was generated.
  • exp: Expiration date.
  • client_id: Client for which the token was generated.
  • authorities: Realm's Roles to which the token's user belongs.

4. Refresh Token

Service that regenerates the token to obtain another one. The endpoint is like this: https://lab.onesaitplatform.com/oauth-server/oauth/token

(the same as for getting a new token, changes the grant-type attribute).

The POST request must include:

  • Headers:
    • Authorization: (client:secret b64)
    • Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • Body:
    • grant_type: refresh_token (for token refresh)
    • refresh_token: refresh token obtained when the access token was generated.

Using Postman:

The result will have the same structure as when a token generation request is made.

The refresh token is one-use only. After using it, a new one will be provided along with the new access token.

5. Revoke Token

As an additional service, a token revocation service is included. Allows you to disable (revoke) an access token associated with a given user.

The endpoint is like this: https://lab.onesaitplatform.com/oauth-server/openplatform-oauth/revoke_token

The POST request must include:


  • Authorization: (cliente:secret en b64)
  • Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Query Param:

  • token: (token to revoke)

In Postman:

The result will indicate that the token is not longer valid:

6. User info endpoints

An endpoint to retrieve user claims. The url is like this: https://lab.onesaitplatform.com/oauth-server/user

The POST request must include:


  • Authorization: Bearer {jwt}

In Postman: