How to create ontologies on PostgreSQL from scratch
In this tutorial we will cover the complete process to deploy a PostgreSQL database in Onesait Platform in order to use it to create ontologies on it.
The steps to follow are:
Deploy a PostgreSQL database (you can skip this step if you have one already).
Create a JDBC connection with the database deployed.
Create an Ontology and its table in the database.
Deploy a PostgreSQL database
We will deploy a docker container with PostgreSQL.
We set the image from dockerhub and its properties.
Ports are only set if we need conection from outside docker network.
Then we press CREATE button.
You can see the service in the stack.
Now we create a database from command line (inside container) where we create tables with the following steps:
The commands executed are:
psql -U postgres
create database test
Then you can see the created database:
Create a JDBC connection with the database deployed
Once the service is running (no matter if port is exposed because we are inside network), we can create a JDBC connection to the database.
Create an Ontology and its table over the database
For this last step you can follow the tutorial: Creation from a relational database
Also, an example is shown:
You can see the ontology, and the table with a database client (PgAdmin in this case).