Web Security client for Spring Boot
Web Security client for Spring Boot
Available since version 1.5.0-RELEASE of the library onesaitplatform-web-security-client
This library can also be configured for Multitenant mode. There’s only one change that needs to be made in the application properties/yaml.
Application properties/yaml
baseurl: http://localhost:21000
login.path: /oauth-server/oauth/token
verify.path: /oauth-server/openplatform-oauth/check_token
grant_type: password
scope: openid
clientId: onesaitplatform
password: onesaitplatform
vertical: onesaitplatform
You may add 'vertical' property when using Multitenant onesait Platform and not using the default vertical onesaitplatform. For example:
baseurl: http://localhost:21000
login.path: /oauth-server/oauth/token
verify.path: /oauth-server/openplatform-oauth/check_token
grant_type: password
scope: openid
clientId: RealmEssentials
password: 3ss3ntials!#
vertical: essentials
Auth service responses
In Multitenant mode, when using the LoginService for login and verification purposes, JWT token will now indicate tenant and vertical of the logged user:
Login service:
Verification service: