Install and use the Eclipse Platform Plugin
2024: This component is DEPRECATED and unmaintained, so it is not guaranteed to work on current platform versions.
Installing the Plugin
1. Download the attached ZIP in a local folder.
2. Start Eclipse and go to the Install New Software option:
Click on Add and clicking on Archive we look for the file that contains the previously downloaded plugin.
Click Add
3. On this screen:
Uncheck the checkÂ
Select the check of onesaitplatformplugin and press Next>
We accept the license agreements and accept everything (a warning appears when a certificate is not installed).
Once installed Eclipse will ask me to restart.
Use of the Plugin
To start, click on Open PerspectiveÂ
and I will open the perspective of Onesait Platform Development.
In the first version of the plugin we have 4 tabs:
OP Properties tab
The first thing to do is go to the OP Properties Tab and fill in the connection information:
We can use this sample data:
User: testuser001
Password: Prueba1001!
Once the information is provided, I will press Test Connection:
OP Querytool tab
If now I go to the OP QueryTool tab and pulse  I will see the ontologies that this user can see:
Clicking on one will load the query in the RUN QUERY window:
OP Ontologies Tab
From this tab I can load the ontologies, create new ontologies, update them, ...
OP Index tab
Pressing REFRESH will load the user's Token and I can click on one of the options, which the corresponding UI loads, such as Control Panel: