Generative AI integration with Query Tool

Generative AI integration with Query Tool

In this release, we have integrated the Query Tool with various generative AIs, including those from OpenAI such as ChatGPT 3.5, davinci and others, so that, in natural language (in multiple languages), you can ask the query you want to ask.

And a SQL query is returned for that user's data.

It is interesting to know that this AI knows the context of the platform user's entities, so it is able to deduce queries regarding that context, making perfect approximations or ones that require very little human intervention.

Below we can see a video showing different queries using this integration and their resolution:

When using OpenAI's ChatGPT, an access token is required and incurs small costs for each query, so it is something to keep in mind. This token, as well as the algorithms and configurations, can be configured from the centralized platform configuration.

This integration is also available as a controlpanel API to be invoked from other systems. Besides, it is possible to directly use an OpenAI token in the call, to be able to manage it externally to the platform.

In the future, other AIs will be integrated to help the different processes of the platform such as Bard.

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