Platform ConfigDB Backups in MinIO
Available from version 3.2.0
In Q4 2021, a new system for generating ConfigDB backups on MinIO has been added. Periodically, a backup of the ConfigDB databases is launched and stored in a zip file in the MinIO database.
How to schedule the backup process
The administrator user accesses Dev Tools > Centralized Configurations, edit the Scheduler configuration and modify the BackupMinio.cron field with the cron expression that you want to be executed in the backup process .
cron: "0 59 23 ? * * *"
timeout: 24
timeUnit: HOURS
By default, it is set to run every 24 hours.
Once the configuration has been edited, it may be necessary to restart the RTDBMaintainer module of Plataforma to take the changes.
How to query the backups
With the Platform sysadmin user, you can access the menu option Tools > Files Management where a list of all the ConfigDB backups that have been saved to date will be displayed. Each backup will be identified with its creation date in the following format: