Platform distributions in Helm Charts

Platform distributions in Helm Charts

Available from release 2.3.0-immortal


In Q4 2020, we have added important improvements to the Platform Deployment Chart for Kubernetes or Openshift clusters. Starting from the different Platform distributions, the Chart has been divided into independent Charts following the same logic.

Besides, we have also worked on automating even more the deployment process, with virtually no manual intervention being necessary.

Helm Charts according to distribution

Helm allows to parameterise the different Kubernetes manifest files (Deployment, Service, Secret, ConfigMap, PersistentVolumeClaim, Job, etc...) of multiple microservices and package them to be later versioned and distributed as pieces of software.

Based on the different Platform distributions, each of the modules or microservices that make them up have been grouped into the following Charts or plugs:

  • onesaitplatform-base-chart: The Platform's "base" distribution, this chart allows the rest to be deployed as if they were plugins.

  • onesaitplatform-engine-chart: Includes the ingestion, Identity Manager, API manager, Flow Engine and Microservices Management modules.

  • onesaitplatform-intelligence-chart: The Platform distribution with the analytics and data transformation parts, as well as the Dashboard engine.

  • onesaitplatform-advapimng-chart: Platform’s advanced API manager, including throttling control among other features.

  • onesaitplatform-opendata-chart: Data catalogue or Open Data Portal.

  • onesaitplatform-things-chart: Allows the Platform to be equipped with IoT capabilities, device simulation and Digital Twin.

  • onesaitplatform-bsnstools-chart: Different business tools, such as Platform BPM and Rules Engine.


Video explanation (in Spanish)