Title: | Basic on FlowEngine | |
Owner: | DevPortal Editor | |
Creator: | DevPortal Editor | 13/09/21 |
Last Changed by: | Onesait Platform | 28/07/23 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://onesaitplatform.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DkFfh | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Children (8)
Operation of the FlowEngine in multitenant mode
How to invoke a Flow when inserted into an Entity?
How to make queries on Entities with the FlowEngine? (Query Static and Query Dynamic nodes)
Node to handle Platform management API REST
Available nodes in the Platform's FlowEngine
Integration with Ontologies: How to invoke a Flow when you create an Ontology instance?
Querying Entities with FlowEngine (Query Static and Query Dynamic Nodes)
How add new Nodes in Flow Engine?
Operation of the FlowEngine in multitenant mode
How to invoke a Flow when inserted into an Entity?
How to make queries on Entities with the FlowEngine? (Query Static and Query Dynamic nodes)
Node to handle Platform management API REST
Available nodes in the Platform's FlowEngine
Integration with Ontologies: How to invoke a Flow when you create an Ontology instance?
Querying Entities with FlowEngine (Query Static and Query Dynamic Nodes)
How add new Nodes in Flow Engine?
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