Try our free environment with onesait Platform CloudLab!
A free experimentation environment where you can test all the capabilities of the platform without any limitations!
You can start with this Getting Started Guide and more...
CloudLab Features
In our CloudLab we put to your disposal a complete version of the Onesait Platform, in wich you can put all your ideas into practice. It's an environment with NO RESTRICTIONS, NO FEES and NO EVALUATION PERIODS, so... what are you waiting for?
If you know something about our Platform we are sure you have some idea about what to do inside, sign up and play... And If you don't know nothing about it, we recommend to you to spend a minutes discovering our Platform, it's woth it. In any case, you have at your disposal a lot of documentation to learn all you need.
You can access this environment at:
To create a New Account, clicking on Sign Up:
and then create an user with Developer Role,
Once created you can, for example use the Digital capabilities of the platform in a simple way including modeling data, connecting and simulating devices, creating visualizations and APIs, and more...
Create your own Microservice, here you have a guide about this.
Model and develop in a simple way a complete Digital Twin using the Web Thing API from Mozilla. You can follow this example.
Load data into the Platform from an Open Data Portal with this example, explore the possibilities that the module FlowEngine offer
Visually develop complex (and with drill-down) dashboards:
And many more things, don't forget to take a look on our tutorials: Programming Guides & Tutorials