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Join Us!

In october 2019, we will release the Onesait Platform under Apache 2.0 license. We are very excited to create an Open Source community around our platform.

This will allow us to innovate much more efficiently than traditional R&D laboratories and manufacturers, making the most of the community's strength to progress quicker!

It could not be otherwise:

We may have gotten ahead and you are wondering what's this Onesait Platform thing?

Don't worry, have a look at our portal Onesait Platform Enterprise Docs

Surely you're now saying... "Wow, what a bore I'm seeing here!"

Give us a chance and go to this starting guide: Getting Started OLD (with onesait Platform CloudLab) 

Convinced yet?

Now you'll probably want to know a bit more about the platform. We suggest you review the /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/360455 to learn something about the platform architecture and then take a look to some of the tutorials on different components at /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/230040

Now you know what we're talking about...

Bring yourself to work some minutes with the platform. Even if the platform's source code may not be publically available yet in Github (It won't be long now!), you've got many ways to contribute.

But how can I contribute?

To contribute to the platform, you don't need to be a senior architect, or a Java developer, or an open-source world expert. You only need the intention to become a part of our community.

It's our goal for the platform to become a reference in the open-source world (Sure, I know, I may be overambitious... but I tell you, it can be done... If I reminisce what we achieved in the last few years, not even I can believe it!).

One idea: The easiest way to contribute to the community is connecting to /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/295018,  create an user and follow a guide (/wiki/spaces/PT/pages/230040)..... Done already? I'm sure you're full of ideas on how to use the platform, maybe to control your home's lights, or to do a view and graph on your favorite team's results, or to build a phone app without worrying about databases or servers...

You may be missing more examples or documentation: you're absolutely right! We're still starting, wanna help? I'm sure you have a way to tell what's all this in an easier way (What's this ontology thing?, you must have said (big grin)). 

If you've already followed a tutorial, you are thinking "It would be nice if you could..." then don't hesitate, contact us, we'll tell you how to collabrate with us to expand a module, or to create a new one. We'll see whether your module fits the roadmap or deserves some more thought beforehand. We'll tutor you in this process so that you're building can be integrated in the platform easily (via Pull Request)...

Yep, you've convinced me... I want in


We hadn't said this before, this is still a good time:

You can contact us in our support e-mail address: support@onesaitplatform.com

We'll tell you how to go on!!

Not gabbling any more... We're waiting for you!

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