(EN) Kafka Monitoring UI

(EN) Kafka Monitoring UI

This new feature in the Control Panel module allows us to be aware of the health of our consumer groups.

It is only accessible for administrator users in the “System Monitoring” section of the menu as shown:

The first information we get is a brief description of the state of each consumer group.

A consumer group can have any of the three following states:

  • OK: It indicates that all partitions for the group are in good state.

  • WARN: It indicates that one or more partitions for the group are lagging.

  • ERROR: It indicates that the group has one or more partitions that are in the Stop, Stall, or Rewind states.

By clicking in the “view it” icon of any consumer group we can get the status of each partition for every topic the group is consuming:

In this case the information displayed shows us the state, lag and offset possition on each partition.

A topic state can have any of the following values:

  • OK: It indicates that a partition is in a good state.

  • WARN: It indicates that a partition is lagging - it is making progress, but falling further behind.

  • STOP: It indicates that the consumer has not committed an offset for that partition in some time, and the lag is non-zero.

  • STALL: It indicates that the consumer is committing offsets for the partition, but they are not increasing and the lag is non-zero.

  • REWIND: It indicates that the consumer has committed an offset for the partition that is less than the previous offset.

If we wish to get a more detailed evolution of the offsets of a topic, we can click in the “View it” option.

Last offset and lag changes will be displayed in chronological order:


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