How to publish your web site on the Platform with the WebApps Manager?
The platform allows you to deploy web applications (a whole HTML5 web: HTML, JS, CSS, images, ...) from the ControlPanel itself, so that the platform makes the website available using an integrated web server.
To do this, you only need to access the Control Panel with your user (role Developer or higher) and go to the menu option Development > My Web Projects:
You will see a list with all the web projects you deployed. If you have none, the list will be empty.
To deploy a web project, you only need to pack your web as a ZIP, such as this ZIP:
As you can see, it has an index.html and CSS, fonts, images, ...
Click on
In the next screen, insert a name for your project (the name is used to form the URL) and select a ZIP.
You can also select the main file (default, index.html):
When you click on New, you will see your web project created.
As you can see, the project has an associated URL. If you click on the button , it will open.
You can also edit the web project content. To do so, click on and upload a ZIP with the updated content
In future versions, you will be able to edit the files uploaded to a web project from a ZIP: