Con la nueva versión de plataforma, se permitirá estos nuevos modos a la hora de compartir los notebooks entre usuarios de plataforma.
Con lo que tendremos estos dos nuevos roles:
Role Read (VIEW en aplicaciones) → el usuario no será capaz de ejecutar ni editar notebooks, sólo podrá visualizarlo, Ante un intento no permitido por ejemplo de ejecución, se nos notificará de forma oportuna
With the new version of the platform, these new modes will be allowed when sharing notebooks between platform users.
With this, we will have these two new roles:
Read Role (VIEW in applications) → the user will not be able to execute or edit notebooks, and will only be able to view it. In the event of an unauthorized attempt of, for example, execution, the owner be notified in a timely manner.
Run Role → the user will have the same permissions as the user with Read permission, but will also be able to execute the notebook and the paragraphs, including the execution part via REST API. This profile is very useful in order to have executor-only users who do not have permission to modify the content of the notebooks. In the event of an editing attempt, the operation will be blocked in a timely manner.