Table of Contents | ||||
1st Level | 2nd Level | Folder Description |
| The css folder has the style files. The js folder has the basic JavaScript files for the front-end, which initializes basic, boostrap, and configuration and operation functionalities for the index and login templates. The media folder has images, logos and backgrounds for the front-end application. | |
| The base folder has the used icon font files, in addition to grouped files of several styles and several JavaScript plugins that are used for fields of type: date, datepicker, datetimepickers, select2, boostrap-select, input mask, jquery-validation, range, sliders, colorpickers, etc. datatables is the folder that contains styles and JavaScript used by the data tables used in different dashboards. x-editable contains an open source plugin for online data editing. |
Within the application-config.js, two JSON configuration objects are declared: One for the menu and the other for the access configuration and front-end aspect. We will next see the format and use of the object that describes the front-end navigation system menus:
Configuration of the menuJson menu object in application-config.js:
title: specifies the title or label that will be displayed. It can be indicated in several languages: EN, ES,…
icon: specifies the icon that will be used for this menu. You can use any icon available in the following libraries and with this format:
fontAwesome, with "fa fa-ICON" format (e.j "fa fa-calendar", for calendar).
lineAwesome, with "la la-ICONO" format.
flaticon with "flaticon-ICON" format.,
We will now an example of this template configuration object below:
Once you have configured my template, you can open the login.html file from your computer and check that everything works.