Query Tool: Export Query Results

Query Tool: Export Query Results

Available from Release 2.3.0-immortal


In Q4 2020, the possibility of downloading the result of a query on an ontology in JSON or CSV format is added to the Query Tool functionality.

How to use

For non-administrator roles, it must be taken into account that only the maximum number of records defined by the corresponding environment variable will be downloaded. While for administrator roles, all the results of the query will be downloaded, without any additional record limit.

Since there may be complex queries made on very large ontologies, the generation of the file takes place in the background, which prevents the control panel of the Platform from crashing.

For this, three buttons have been added when executing the query:

  • Generate CSV File: generates the .csv file with the result of the query

  • Generate JSON File: generate the .json file with the result of the query

  • Download File: once the file is generated, it will be downloaded by using this button. In the event that the generation of the file has not been completed, an informational message will be displayed.

It is important to note that only one CSV or JSON file can be generated per user at a time to avoid environment crashes.