How to export Binary Files

How to export Binary Files

Available from version 3.1.0-kickoff

As of version 3.1.0, the possibility of exporting/importing the Binary Files stored in the MongoDB GridFS between Platform instances has been added to the Export/Import Tool.

Script generation

With an Administrator role we go to the source environment (where we have the data of the files that we want to migrate) and access the menu option DEV TOOLS > Export & Import Environment Tool. This tool allows us to perform data migration (tango of the ConfigDB as the RealTimeDB) between environments.

To generate the MongoDB export and import scripts, we go to the EXPORT tab and select the BinaryFiles Export option:

We select the files we want to migrate and enter the Mongo username and password.

By default the MongoDB username and password in the installations is: platformadmin/0pen-platf0rm-2018!

Then we select the START EXPORT button and a zip containing the data export and import files will be downloaded:


To carry out the export, enter the RealTimeDB container in the source environment and execute the export.sh script on the \tmp directory, which will generate the corresponding files with the data of the files selected for export.

It is recommended to first map the \tmp directory of the container to the \datadrive\ onesaitplatform\mongo\export directory of the machine. So that the access to the files will be easier.


To import the exported data, access the RealTimeDB container of the destination environment and execute the import.sh script on the \tmp directory

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