API Onesait Cesium
Onesait Platform has its own method library to be used with the GIS viewers based on Cesium technology. The purpose of this library is to facilitate a number of general solutions to the user, allowing him to generate maps quickly and with a certain level of customization. For ease of use, it has been encapsulated and offered as a versioned API.
This page contains a description of the different methods existing in the API, along with a series of examples of their use to facilitate its use by users.
Current version:
Stable: beta 1.12 (2019-06-20)
Development: beta 1.13
API Access
You can access the most current version of the API from the following link: [updating URL]
Previous versions of the API are accessible from its corresponding link (the link to the most recent version will always correspond to the most current version).
Beta Version
This API is under development, meaning that something may fail or changes may occur without notice. Therefore, at the moment it is advisable to know the version of the API that is being used (its version is indicated in the browser console) and make use of said version's library. For each new version that is being released, a record of the produced changes will be indicated, specifying which methods they affect directly .
This API's documentation will refer, for now, to the latest published version.
Change record
Beta 1.12 (2019-06-20)
* sendValue() has been updated to allow an array of property names as input.
Beta 1.11 (2019-06-19)
* Added a new method called sendNullValue() that send a null value to the window.fromMap(), to reset the filters of the Dashboard.
Beta 1.10 (2019-06-18)
* createLayer() has been updated to add a new object to the dataSource: dataSourceProperties, with the property 'visibility' added.
* layerVisibilitySelectorCheckbox() has been updated to change the property of dataSourceProperties when the checkbox is checked of not.
* handleLayerVisibilityByHeight() has been updated to check the status of the dataSourceProperties.visibility before switch on a layer by height.