Authentication on LDAP

To authenticate with an LDAP simply configure the following properties in the application.yml of the control panel.

The user defined with username must have query permission on the LDAP.

Authorization on LDAP

Role mapping

With this configuration, you will delegate authentication to an LDAP.

Optionally, the properties  ldap.platformRolesGroup allow to manage the user's roles of the platform from the LDAP.

Each role in the platform must be associated to a group of users in the LDAP, an the DN of each group is cofigured in these properties for each one of the roles.

Let's supose a LDAP with this structure of users groups with the platform roles Administrator, Analytics, Developer, Sys_Admin y User, under the DN: OU=AppSofia2,OU=AppSmart,DC=aytologd

The configuration to map these roles is:

Importing users

To import users from an LDAP to the platform configuration database, there are two alternatives:

Use of LDAP users in Realms

If authentication against an LDAP is used in the platform deployment, a checkbox will appear in the User Assignment tab. You can search and import LDAP users as well as existing groups.

When you CLICK the checkbox, you can search by DN users and groups.

If you want to import LDAP users, you must complete the USER DN BASE field with the DN. This operation will perform a search of all users belonging to that DN.

The same can be done with the groups.

When an LDAP group is mapped with a ROLE, all the users will be created on the platform associated with that role.